Hey, thanks for stopping by. I am a 35 year old freelance photographer based in West St. Paul, MN. During the day I am an IT professional working on infrastructure automation for a healthcare organization, and by night you can find me roaming around the great plains and midwest trying to find tornadoes, owls, and whatever else mother nature may have in store for me any given day.
About six years ago I bought my first full frame camera after waking up one day and deciding I was going to chase tornadoes. Through that camera, I have discovered a passion for photography and experiencing the most incredible phenomenon this planet has to offer. I am constantly learning how to see and experience new things in order to capture an adequate picture of them someday.
Since beginning my photography journey, here are some of the achievements I am the most proud of:
- witnessed and photographed over 40 tornadoes across 9 states
- photographed all 19 species of owl native to the United States
- photographed a rarely seen Canada Lynx in my home state of Minnesota
- documented many nights under a sky full of beautiful northern lights
- wildlife photos published in 3 different magazines (nothing Nat Geo level, just small local prints)
- storm photographs often featured on local news broadcasts
- photographed President Barack Obama, Vice President Kamala Harris, and Governors Tim Walz and Tony Evers
Since beginning my photography journey, here are some of the achievements I am the most proud of:
- witnessed and photographed over 40 tornadoes across 9 states
- photographed all 19 species of owl native to the United States
- photographed a rarely seen Canada Lynx in my home state of Minnesota
- documented many nights under a sky full of beautiful northern lights
- wildlife photos published in 3 different magazines (nothing Nat Geo level, just small local prints)
- storm photographs often featured on local news broadcasts
- photographed President Barack Obama, Vice President Kamala Harris, and Governors Tim Walz and Tony Evers
I have never done any of this for profit. I haven't made a single dollar off of my photography and right now I'm not looking to. My goal is to see the the most interesting things this world has to offer and take adequate photographs of them.